The Big Event: 12 August 2017
Introductory meeting 27 April 2017

Flyers have been distributed round town to advertise the meeting on Thursday, 27 April at 5.00pm in the Walton Community Centre in Standley Road. The meeting is being held to discuss the plans already underway to bring many visitors into the town for a celebration and that local businesses should be aware of the scope of the entertainments and events planned.
Come to the meeting to learn more about it.

Walton Station celebrates its 150 anniversary on 17 May.
Walton Maritime Museum, East Terrace, Walton
(open from 2-4pm on the May Bank Holidays and from 1 June - 30 September).
The exhibition includes the history of the Tendring Hundred Railway (THR) coming to Walton in 1867, images and information about steam locomotives and stories of the Walton people who worked on the THR, later Great Eastern Railway (GER), as loco drivers, firemen, guards, signalmen, restaurant attendants and station staff. The exhibition features the a model of the station layout in the 1950’s and includes a memories’ board of anecdotes and snapshots contributed by holiday visitors (1940’s-1970’s). see image below of the model station track.



Walton Station circa 1950’s

Josie Close, Curator of the Walton Maritime Museum